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Best Gifts For 9 Year Olds

Nine-year-olds are in the throes of change. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not yet teens. This in-between stage is a time of exploration and growing independence. It’s also a time when kids are starting to learn about who they are and what they want to do with their lives.

That’s why finding the perfect gift for a 9-year-old can be a challenge. You want to get them something that will help them grow and learn, but you also want it to be fun and engaging. Here are some ideas for the best gifts for 9-year-olds.

1. A new book

Reading is a great way for kids to learn and explore new topics. Giving a 9-year-old a new book is a great way to encourage a love of reading. Some good choices for 9-year-olds include adventure stories, biographies, and books about science and history.

2. A new hobby

Nine-year-olds are starting to figure out what they want to do with their lives. A great gift for a 9-year-old is something that can help them explore their interests and passions. Maybe it’s a new art set, a set of golf clubs, or a chemistry set. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that the 9-year-old will be excited to use.

3. A trip to a new place

One of the best things about being 9 years old is that kids are starting to gain a sense of independence. A great gift for a 9-year-old is something that will help them explore the world on their own. Maybe it’s a ticket to a new city, a plane ticket to visit family, or a membership to a local museum.

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4. A new computer game

Computer games are a great way for 9-year-olds to learn new skills and have fun at the same time. There are a lot of great games out there that are perfect for 9-year-olds. Some good choices include games that teach math or science, games that let kids explore different cultures, and games that challenge kids to solve puzzles.

5. A new outfit

Clothes are a great gift for 9-year-olds because they can help kids express their growing independence. A new shirt, pair of pants, or dress can make kids feel like they’re starting to become adults. Just make sure that the clothes are age-appropriate and that the child actually wants them.

6. A gift card

Gift cards are a great choice for 9-year-olds because they let kids choose their own gifts. There are a lot of different gift cards out there that are perfect for 9-year-olds. Some good choices include gift cards to bookstores, music stores, or video game stores.

7. A membership to a club

One great way to help a 9-year-old learn and grow is to give them a membership to a club. There are a lot of different clubs out there that are perfect for 9-year-olds. Some good choices include science clubs, art clubs, sports clubs, and history clubs.

8. A new pet

Pets are a great way for 9-year-olds to learn about responsibility. They also provide love and companionship. If the 9-year-old in your life is ready for a pet, consider getting them a new dog, cat, or rabbit. Just make sure that you’re prepared to take care of the pet too.

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9. A gift certificate to a restaurant