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16 Birthday Gift Ideas

16th birthdays are a big milestone! They come with a lot of new privileges and responsibilities, and what better way to commemorate this than with a special gift? Here are 16 birthday gift ideas for the 16-year-old in your life.

1. A gift card to their favorite store or restaurant.

2. Tickets to a show or a concert.

3. A new piece of jewelry.

4. A clothing item they’ve been wanting.

5. A gift certificate to a spa or a hair salon.

6. A new piece of technology.

7. A gift certificate to a movie theater.

8. A subscription to their favorite magazine.

9. A basket filled with their favorite snacks.

10. A new pair of shoes.

11. A gift certificate to a theme park.

12. A gift certificate for a day of pampering.

13. A new piece of luggage.

14. A gift certificate to a music store.

15. Tickets to a sporting event.

16. A contribution to a charity in their name.

See also  22 Year Anniversary Gift